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Phaten Audio XMOS AI Microphone Array Solutions

In homes, schools and office environments, achieving high-definition voice interaction has become a key demand for many smart devices. Whether in the kitchen, living room, gym, or within the meeting room and classroom, our XMOS AI Microphone Array Solution is dedicated to capturing clean and clear human voices in various noisy environments.

Challenges Faced

During multimedia playback and calls, devices need to distinguish and extract human voice from the following noises:

  • Device-generated sounds: such as the content being played on a TV or speaker.
  • Steady-state and non-steady-state environmental noise: such as the background noise from fans, air conditioners, etc.
  • Point noise sources: Noise from specific locations, like the sound of a television.
  • Incidental sounds: Voices from non-speakers in a conference room or classroom.

These sources of noise significantly affect the voice recognition performance and clarity of voice reception of smart devices.

Our Solution

Our XMOS AI Microphone Array Solution leverages advanced algorithms and high-performance hardware to achieve the following:

  • Far-field Pickup: Accurately captures the voice of a user even at a distance from the device.
  • Voice Interruption Capability: Users can effectively issue commands while the device is playing sound, which the device can respond to promptly.
  • Directional Sound Capture (Beamforming): By focusing on the position of the speaker, environmental noise and other interferences are excluded.
  • Clear Human Voice Output: Provides clean and effective voice input for voice interaction (ASR), conference calling (Communication), and local amplification.

Solution Features

  • Customized Beamforming Technology: Precisely locates the speaker to extract clear speech from noisy environments.
  • Advanced Noise Reduction Algorithms: Effectively suppresses background noise to improve voice recognition rates.
  • Adaptive Sound Capture: The device provides a consistent experience regardless of the user's environment.
  • High-Performance XMOS Processor: Ensures fast, accurate sound processing to meet real-time interaction demands.

Application Scenarios

  • Smart Home Devices: Such as TVs, set-top boxes, Soundbars, making home entertainment more intelligent.
  • Teleconferencing Systems: Provides a clear conferencing call experience in meeting rooms.
  • Classroom Audio Collection: Ensures every student's voice is clearly captured in the teaching environment.
  • Voice Interactive Devices: Enhances the responsiveness and accuracy of smart assistants.

Our XMOS AI Microphone Array Solution is not only a technical advance but a significant step towards the future of intelligent interaction. Next, let us welcome a more natural and efficient AI era of voice communication together.